Unsent Love Letters

2024.02.06  Glady

Verses of Love
Verse #1
If only I could tell the words I long to say
Would you still be my friend ? Would you stay?
If only I could put your hand to mine
Would you let it be intertwined?
If only I could look straight into your eyes
Would you read what my heart truly desires?
If only I could show how much I love you
Would you care to say you feel the same way too?
Verse #2
Why is the heaven crying ?
Does it know that I am grieving ?
Because my friend keeps his distance
For holding his hand in an instance
Why isn’t the sun smiling often ?
Does it know that my heart is broken ?
Because I fell in love with a friend
And now this feeling must come to its end
Why is the night full of darkness ?
Does it know my heart can’t confess ?
The love for so many years I keep
This emotion I have is very deep!
I was in university when I met this friend of mine who’s a year older than I am.
He was taking Engineering and I was taking Education.
We shared the same building in that university.
We would often send each other SNS.
We became close because we shared the same interest — a basketball team in the Philippines.
There were a few times we would meet at the library because he wanted to know about English grammar.
After we graduated, we met at least once a year.
He treated me for a meal when he found a job.
I did the same thing when I had my first job.
That didn’t last long though because we were both busy from work and maybe it just felt awkward after the long time no see’s.
I made these poem with thoughts of him but I didn’t have the courage to send these to him.
Now, we’re both married and have our own families.
I guess, if I have that “better left unsaid” things, it’s surely one of them.
And I don’t have any “what if’s” nor regrets because I am definitely happy with my love life.
I mean, who wouldn’t be? I have a very loving husband and a beautiful son!
Have you experienced the same thing? Did you regret not confessing your love to someone?




